Posted in 2019, fight, Love, Love Journey, Love Lesson, Relatonships

Love Lesson

What a powerful message. I wanted to take it back and just share a love lesson. Were so quick jump in a relationship just as well as jump out of it without fighting for it. We have lost how to communicate with our other half. When to love and when to throw in the towel have become the new norm. We have stopped trying to fix us and started moving to the next person.

When do you decide to fight? And when do you just walk away? Is love worth all the ups and downs? In my opinion, I believe it’s worth it.

If you can see the image, do let me know. For some odd reason, they not showing on my end.

Posted in 2019, fight, Focus, Love, Love Journey, poem, Poetry, Relatonships, survivor

I’m Back

You took a lot from me
Look where I’m at.
I had to fight to get here.
I had to overcome my
I didn’t realize how broke
I was.
I was living but not really
I was dead inside
Trying to come back
You never realize the
Till it done.
All my warnings
Went out window.
I thought I was in love
But you just wanted another
Notch under your belt.
You may have broken me
I’m a survivor.
Overcame my demons
And won
I’m back and better than ever.



No matter who you are, we can get taken and played. It’s how you return to the top that define you. Don’t let your mistakes stop you. Dedicated to love journey. Do Enjoy! God Bless

Posted in 2014, 2018, AWARENESS, Death, fight, God, Journey, My Journey, My Life, poem, Poetic, Poetry, Sickle Cell Anemia, Sickle Cell Awareness


So many fighting diseases behind
Close doors…
Breaks my heart to hear
So many losing the battle…
You see our smile,
But not know our pain.
Fighting to live.
Holding back tears
So many warriors dying
From sickle cell, lupus, ms, cancer
And so many other diseases…
I never consider myself a warrior
Warriors coming out the closet
And letting the world know
I’m not a shame, my disease isn’t me.
Warriors are the ones,
Who keeps moving when the
The world has turned there back on us…
Keep marching to our heavenly
Father call you home.


Dedicated to so many falling warriors. Quit judging when you don’t know the whole story! God Bless. Feel as if I can add more.

Wanted to share it again for the month of September to bring more awareness to sickle cell since it was sickle cell awareness month. But as many of you may know I try to share it much as possible.

Posted in 2018, Cancer, change, Christian, Faith, family, fight, God, Update


Hey, and Welcome to my World. Where should I start, I have tried doing update post since October when I got sick and ended up in the hospital for over a week. I even tried before the holidays. Almost had another hospitalization but I push through it. Two years ago in 2016, we got news my dad has cancer. What a blow to us. Many things ran thru my mind. Was severe was I going to lose him. How will we handle this as a family? It was a rough year and we made it. Two different treatment, the first one wasn’t helping. The second one well I did for a while made it smaller but when he went to check up at hospital nothing has changed. He on blood thinners but since he seems to be losing more blood they change his doses. Hope it helps. His getting transfusion every other week for past few months. Y’all know I know about them when dealing with sickle cell. I’ll make a separate post on me later on. I have learned so much about this blow. No matter what get throws at you. You can make it with faith, prayer. Things get rough but never give in to devil evil tactics. Some days my dad reminds me of me when I have to push myself when I’m hurting. I see aggravation at times, motivation to get better and fight. The different things we go through when dealing with health issues. We not only got hit with cancer, we also got hit with him having heart problems. Not just one blow but two. God knows how slow you down at times. Going end it here and hopefully finish with rest of update. Pray all is well who reads this. God Bless

Posted in 2015, AWARENESS, fight, Health, My Journey, Sickle Cell Anemia, Sickle Cell Awareness, Thoughts!!!!

Living With Sickle Cell…


Am I really living? Came to conclusion Im not. I have stop doing the things I love. I have stop moving to my frustration to be better. I realize its time get out my comfort zone! Enough is enough. If we dont live now , we wont
be able live later 

Just wanted share some thoughts that bn on my mind lately. Stop letting stuff hold you down. Release anchor from your life and live.

Dis my month shine: Sickle CELL AWARENESS MONTH.  . I have bn in out hospital for about a month.. .Till next time do stay bless;)

Posted in 2014, Faith, God, Journey, Love, My Journey, poem, Poetic, Poetry, Strength

Against All Odds

I learn to fight
I shed tears, question
Myself if I was meant for
These journey with Warriors
Against All Odds.
God showed me just how..
Strong I was to be Warrior..
He knew what he was doing
When he created me
Against All Odds .
I showed strength, when I wanted
To give up
God showed me love…
In the midst of storm
He showed me I’m nothing
Without him..
Reminded me to hold on to
Against All Odds..

Dedicated to my journey of life. No matter what you going thru his right there in the midst! Don’t stop fighting/ believing in him..No matter my odds, God had everything in control… Not sure if I’m happy with this piece, do let me know what you think 🙂

Posted in 2014, heart, My Journey, My Love Journey, poem, Poetic, Poetry

Abused Heart

You abuse my heart
Threw the words right back
At me
I’m so done
You are my past
That’s where you lay
My heart told me
Not to go there
Nobody fault
But mine
I applaud you
I hurt you
Over and over
And you paid me
You abused my heart
Never Again
I promise
Never Again
I refuse to listen
And look you into
Your face..
You abused my heart
And left me wounded
And I saw what was meant
For me to see
You may have won
And maybe I lost the
But Never Again
Will you play my
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Finally been able to express myself! Does feel good to let it all out! Dedicated to My Love Journey! Do enjoy and let me know what y’all think! God Bless

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