Posted in 2018, Encouragement, knowledge, Motivation, Motivational And InspirationQuotes, Thoughts!!!!, word of encouragement

Word of Encouragement

There are some people who are determined to misunderstand you. No matter WHAT you say or do. I’m only responsible for what I say not for what you understand. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Good Morning, God is truly good all the time. Still not feeling my best. I hope and pray message speak to someone heart and soul. God Bless

Posted in Journey, knowledge, Love, Love Journey, Relatonships, Thoughts!!!!

Love Lesson

If somebody loves you, they won’t make you Guess. You’ll know.

I was supposed post this message a few months back but life knows how to slow us down. Growing up we couldn’t tell if someone cared for us. You know this would have been a very important message for me in my younger years when I was confused and wonder if he did or didn’t. Sometimes we still need that confirmation but if you got guess then you already know the answer. Hope bless someone spirit today. God Bless

Posted in 2017, Love, Relatonships, Thoughts!!!!

Does love sound like a conversation starter

When it comes to love, do we truly take in consideration if we both ready? Should we talk among ourselves see where we’re each both stand with one another? Love is truly a conversation starter. How do you all feel about it,? Do you just go into love without having talked about it? Hell, that’s like going into relationship blind? My thoughts on the matter. Sometimes love to surprise us and slap us in the face wake us up? Usually, I go into a relationship not prepared for anything major. I let them know not looking for anything. Sometimes it’s best to start off as a friend and go from there. So the question at hand does love sound like a conversation starter? 

Posted in 2017, Journey, My Love Journey Thought, Relatonships, Thoughts!!!!, What Would You Do?

My Love Journey Thoughts…

I know it’s being awhile since I posted on topic. I have being thinking how word my thoughts. Do ya’ll believe it’s ok for judge okay a divorce if the man says he can’t find his wife? I’m not saying woman don’t do the same tactics. I just heard it have happen the way I mention it. And both cases the male lied about not knowing where there spouse at. And yes both of them ended up getting remarried. I believe it should be investigated into more. Bad enough we making it easy get marry, not we giving them pat on back out of marriage. What are ya’ll thoughts on the matter? 

Posted in 2016, Death, family, Friends, God, Life Lessons, prayer, Prayers, Praying, Thoughts, Thoughts!!!!


Hello World,
Hope everyone of you doing good. Today I receive bad news. I’m not good on grieving.  The world is crazy place. I don’t watch the news anymore because tired of all the heartache. When will we wake the hell up and start loving?  With all the hate going on. We are failing our country. We are showing the new/next generation just how to hate. My emotions are everywhere. Yes, we all die, but to die such a gruesome way is just despicable. When will we stop letting hate drive us to sin and take someone life. I pray ya’ll are well and your love one’s know  just how much you love them. Please please hug them and say you love them. Pick up phone, call, text. From my heart to yall. I love each and everyone of you all. God Bless