Posted in 2019, Love Journey, My Journey, My Life, My Love Journey Thought, online dating, Relatonships

My Love Journey Thoughts

I never saw myself giving online dating a chance. And let me just tell you it’s not all that is cracked up to be. Some of the profiles are a joke and make you wonder why you even here. I have to take many breaks. If you have done online dating what did you look for are should I say did you know what you were looking for.? I ask that because you can say what you looking for and still the crazy ones won’t come at you sideways. I do know what I want, I don’t believe I find him online. But who knows God may place him in my path.


Posted in 2019, Faith, God, Love, Love Journey, love thought, My Journey, My Love Journey, My Love Journey Thought, Relatonships

My Love Journey Thoughts

Does love truly find us in odd situations? Do we find it or go looking for it? Do we wait? I was always told We first got to help ourselves. Is that true when looking for love? Or does that mean we should discover who we are, or get ourselves out into the dating world? Can we truly find love online? I decided to give it a try. I don’t have high hopes for it. It’s good and bad in every situation when dealing with dating. How do you know when to go for it or step away. I’m putting my FAITH in GOD. He’s going to lead me. I also wonder if love could be really for me.


Getting my toes wet and seen what it’s all about. Join me on my Journey, do share some of your experience are thoughts with me. Until next time. God Bless

Posted in 2019, fight, Focus, Love, Love Journey, poem, Poetry, Relatonships, survivor

I’m Back

You took a lot from me
Look where I’m at.
I had to fight to get here.
I had to overcome my
I didn’t realize how broke
I was.
I was living but not really
I was dead inside
Trying to come back
You never realize the
Till it done.
All my warnings
Went out window.
I thought I was in love
But you just wanted another
Notch under your belt.
You may have broken me
I’m a survivor.
Overcame my demons
And won
I’m back and better than ever.



No matter who you are, we can get taken and played. It’s how you return to the top that define you. Don’t let your mistakes stop you. Dedicated to love journey. Do Enjoy! God Bless

Posted in 2019, Focus, Heart, Love Journey, memories, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Step Back

I had to step back and take a look
I got tired of being the one putting
In work for us.
I was the one picking up the phone
See how your day went.
I was the one doing the most
I had to reelevate us
I had to stop being a fool
And take my life back.
I’m not going to lie.
I think of you constantly
I wish I could hear your voice
Feel your heartbeat beating
As one
I wish you miss me as much
As I miss you.
I wish I wish I wish
I could get my wish
And you be the man for me
I done step back
And seen my worth



Day 30. Wow shared a poem every day for the whole month. May have reposted a few, but you never know what a person going through and it speaks to them. Do enjoy. God Bless.

Will feel good to step back and put my thoughts in perspective. I see a lot of writing in future.

Posted in 2019, Heart, Love, Love Journey, My Journey, My Love Journey, poem, Poetry

To be healed

I had to wait for my heart to heal.
I had to forgive myself
I had to learn to love me again
I never realize the hell you took me
I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror.
I hated everything you took me through
I had to wait for my heart to heal
Boy you broke me
You destroy everything I was.
I had to learn to love me again
I had to have chat with myself
Teach myself you are worthy
I had to show myself
Who I was
That I was worthy
To be love
You showed me how strong I could be
Once reality kicked in.
I saw me returning to the strong woman
I once was.
I just had to wait
I had to learn to forgive myself
I just had to wait
To my heart heal
And I felt my worth
It was amazing
To know my worth
To be loved
The way I loved you.
It’s an amazing feeling
To be healed


~PJ~Day 27. Feels good to express myself more and more after not writing for almost 2yrs. Do enjoy God Bless

Posted in 2019, Heart, Love Journey, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Give My Heart Back

Can I have my heart back
You done abused it enough
There nothing more for you
I’m just asking for you return my heart
I can’t keep going on like this.
Feel like I’m dying a little every day
Just give me what I want
We don’t have cross pass anymore
I want my heart
Not later but
Just give me
My Heart
And disappear.
We ain’t got to act like we.
Know each other.
Just Give me what’s mine


Day 25. Something that been on my heart and mind for a while. So felt good to release my thoughts and finish it. Month almost over. Do Enjoy

Posted in 2019, Heart, Love, Love Journey, memories, My Love Journey, past, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Trying Love You

When you going to see me for me
And not no one else.
I’m not them
I’m trying to love you
When you going to see me for me
Right now you breaking my heart
You see your past
And not your future
I can’t keep taking hits like this
When you going to see me for me
I’m here love you
I’m not trying to use you
I’m just trying to be the one for you
I’m trying to heal and love you
But all you do is shut me down
I can’t keep taking hits like this
My heart is breaking
I didny think loving you
Would be so much work
I’m just trying to love you



Day 23. I can’t even give you a story in the poem. Guess taking trips down memory lane really woke something in me write. Enjoy! God Bless

Posted in 2017, emotions, Heart, Love, Love Journey, My Journey, My Love Journey, past, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

The Past

I don’t want a reason to feel…
I’m tired of going back and forth
About you.
With my heart.
I just don’t want to think about you at all
I want you to stay in my past.
Why why
Am I still thinking about you in my present?
I don’t want to think about you.
I don’t want to feel anything
When you come to mind.
I want you to stay in my past
Where all my mistakes live


Day 20. A blast from the past when came across the poem. Was just telling my friend its good see where I was back then. Seem come a long way. Do enjoy.

Posted in 2019, growth, Heart, Journey, Love, Love Journey, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary

Time to celebrate yall love

Time to celebrate yall journey.

The way shows young folks.

What marriage all about.

Happy Anniversary

Today is your day

Let’s show the world

What vows all about

Time to celebrate

Yall love

Happy Anniversary

Yall love is for a lifetime

Thru the ups and down.

Time Celebrate true love.

Happy Anniversary



Day 15, a poem dedicated to my parents. They have been married for 37 years. Do enjoy and God Bless