Posted in 2019, Heart, Love, Love Journey, memories, My Love Journey, past, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Trying Love You

When you going to see me for me
And not no one else.
I’m not them
I’m trying to love you
When you going to see me for me
Right now you breaking my heart
You see your past
And not your future
I can’t keep taking hits like this
When you going to see me for me
I’m here love you
I’m not trying to use you
I’m just trying to be the one for you
I’m trying to heal and love you
But all you do is shut me down
I can’t keep taking hits like this
My heart is breaking
I didny think loving you
Would be so much work
I’m just trying to love you



Day 23. I can’t even give you a story in the poem. Guess taking trips down memory lane really woke something in me write. Enjoy! God Bless

Posted in 2019, blessing, Christian, Christianity, past, Spiritual Word Of The Day, The Word Of God/Bible, Word to the Wise (Spiritual Word Of The Day)

Word to the Wise (Spiritual Word Of Day)

Get rid of old things from the past. Make room for NEW BLESSINGS #Isaiah65:17

Good Morning, God is truly good all the time. What powerful message, I pray speaks to someone heart/soul. God Bless

Happy Resurrection Day. Remember Jesus is the reason. He’s not dead.

Posted in 2017, emotions, Heart, Love, Love Journey, My Journey, My Love Journey, past, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

The Past

I don’t want a reason to feel…
I’m tired of going back and forth
About you.
With my heart.
I just don’t want to think about you at all
I want you to stay in my past.
Why why
Am I still thinking about you in my present?
I don’t want to think about you.
I don’t want to feel anything
When you come to mind.
I want you to stay in my past
Where all my mistakes live


Day 20. A blast from the past when came across the poem. Was just telling my friend its good see where I was back then. Seem come a long way. Do enjoy.