658599-my-valentine-wish--african-american--a-beautiful-woman-with-love-on-her-mind-insert-your-own-text-inAppearance can be deceiving. Remember endurance makes gold.




Had some Chinese food over the weekend, and what a lovely message. SO had to share it with you all…  Speaks volumes if I do say so myself.

Thought Of The Night

Posted in Motivation, Quotes, Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Night!!!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.



So feeling this quote and had to share it with you all, hope it touch someone as much as it touched me. You never know what anyone is going through.


Makes me think of what the lovely nurses tell me when I’m in the hospital that I have beautiful smile, I try to stay positive even through my ordeal.


Posted in 2012, God, My Journey, Update

~Welcome to 2012~

I like to say Thank for joining my JOURNEY(2011), and for sticking with me and been my support system when I needed it. A Blessing to me, when I truly thought I couldn’t deal with alone, sometimes we need help, even when we think we can handle it.

“THE JOURNEY IS THE REWARD”  Saw the quote today while I was out with my mom, but not sure whose it by and wanted to share it with ya’ll, honestly I don’t think I have come across the quote before.

Also like to thank you all for the prayers for me, my family and friends. I do pray for each and every one of you. I heard from one friend her mother is doing much better and also says thank you for the prayers. GOD IS GOOD.  I hope & pray each and every one of you made it into 2012 safe & sound! Many Blessings 🙂

I been reading my messages as they came in today, but couldn’t respond to them since for some odd reason my data wasnt working like I would like it. I have a lot of reading and catching up on. I actually had a good day. I got to see my cousin who has been gone for a long time. It was good to hear from her and to see her. I can’t wait to see how 2012 go for all of us. A post without a poem. I so can’t believe it. lol

God Bless Each & Everyone Of You!