658599-my-valentine-wish--african-american--a-beautiful-woman-with-love-on-her-mind-insert-your-own-text-in“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.

Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.”

~Author Unknown

Thought Of The Day!!!

658599-my-valentine-wish--african-american--a-beautiful-woman-with-love-on-her-mind-insert-your-own-text-inYour ambition should be to get as much life out of living as you possibly can, as much enjoyment, as much interest, as much experience, as much understanding. Not simply be what is generally called a “success.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt



What amazing quote, to start the week off just right. I hope and pray everyone have a Bless Memorial Day Weeekend! God Bless 🙂

Thought Of The Night!!!