Posted in 2019, Heart, Love, Love Journey, poem, Poetry, Relatonships

Faded Love

I use to love you
You use to love me
You use to make me feel so good.
Our love was unimaginable.
You use to be my heart
You use to be my everything.
Our love was for the books
Things change
We grew apart
We went our separate ways.
We use to have mad love
All we do is a fight
You use to be my man, and I was your woman.
Our love
Was one in million
Our love has faded away.
What happened to us
To make us go our sperate ways.
We use to be lovers
You were my best friend,
What happened to our love
We use to be so in love.
What happened
To our love



Day 13 a poem I started a few days ago but got bless with another poem while in church. Do enjoy and God Bless


I blog for many reasons, the love of writing, to inspire and touch someone life. No matter what I'm going through in my life. It's a get away when my SC becomes to much for me to handle. I love to get carry away in MY WORLD! I'm on a JOURNEY to discover myself. God Bless! :)

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