Posted in 2013, family, God, Inspiration, Mother, poem, Poetry, Strength, Woman, woman empowerment

Strong Woman

You never know her strength,

to she hit with the worse…

Don’t mistake her tears for


Strong Woman

Carry the weigh of the World

on her shoulders

A mother to her children

A wife to her spouse

Inspiration to many…

Strong Woman

I salute every single one of you…

Never quit doing what you do

Beautiful Gift from God

A treasure to be cherished


Wanted take it back to one of my older poems and dedicated to all the strong ladies around world. God Bless

Posted in 2019, Encouragement, Motivation, Woman, Women

Woman Empowerment

Hello ladies, I heard this today when you feel inadequate, unloved, unworthy, remember who’s daughter you are then reach up and just straighten your crown 😉😁 because you NEED to know that you are A KING DAUGHTER!!

We need remember our worth even when things has been thrown at us every which way. Remember who’s your father. You are worthy, you are love.

Good Afternoon, God is truly good all the time. I got blessed with a powerful message a few days ago and wanted to share message with yall. Pray it be a blessing to someone today. God Bless