Posted in Journey, Quotes, Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Night!!!

“Don’t ever compare yourself to others, stay focused on your own journey and leave footprints behind.”

So many times we worry about approving ourselves to other people because of whatever reason, stop trying to explain yourself and just show them.  Follow Your Dreams!! ~PJ~

Posted in Journey, Quotes, Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Night!!

Don’t expect everyone to understand your Journey, especially if they have never walk your path.

~ Soul Searchers





Suppose if people understood where we all was coming from, nobody would be judging anyone? Sometimes we search and search and never find what we looking for, when we need to be looking to GOD, he’s all we need.

Very interesting quote I  came across and wanted to share with you all tonight, hopefully it speaks to someone. It truly says a lot. God Bless & Goodnight  🙂