658599-my-valentine-wish--african-american--a-beautiful-woman-with-love-on-her-mind-insert-your-own-text-inIn this world it is not what we take up,but what we give up,that makes us rich.

Another message I receive from a fortune cookie. Wanted to share with you all! Something to make you think! Hope everyone having a Bless Evening! God Bless

Thought of the Day!!!!

Posted in Motivation, Quotes, Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Night!!!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.



So feeling this quote and had to share it with you all, hope it touch someone as much as it touched me. You never know what anyone is going through.


Makes me think of what the lovely nurses tell me when I’m in the hospital that I have beautiful smile, I try to stay positive even through my ordeal.


Posted in Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Day!!

Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.



Such a beautiful one, to share with you all. Since I love my music and poetry.


Another lovely message from a fortune cookie, tell me what you lovely ladies feel about this one.

Posted in Journey, Quotes, Thoughts!!!!

Thought Of The Night!!!

“The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.”
―    Steve Maraboli,    Life, the Truth, and Being Free






How can you move on to the future, when you too busy stuck on the past. To be able to enjoy whats in front of you, you got to be able to let go of whats hurting you.~PJ~


How can you appreciate the things in front of you, when you holding on to the things, that’s dragging you down.~PB~

I so love quotes on journeys, so wanted to share with you all. Me and my brother actually put our input such as Food For Thought on it, so you will see our names at the end of it.