Posted in My Journey, Physical Therapy, Update

Physical Therapy

Week Four since surgery and yesterday mark a month and recovery seem to be going lovely for me:) no more accidents! I’m been very careful! Taking it careful or one day at a time, I’m starting to hate that saying. I never realize the little things I take for granted to you can’t do on your own! Sighs. Physical therapy is going good, can you believe it I actually look forward to it! So by the time I get home I can crash! Lol I need some other ways to get calcium in me, I don’t drink milk! Right now I’m doing yogurt! I don’t want add more poison to my collection of pills if you was wondering what I call poison. Still working on bending my knee when I walk. Ima get it! School has become struggle for me right now! I never thought it could be possible. Thanks for all the prayers, likes, truly means a lot. Sending prayers out for each and everyone of you all. God Bless

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I blog for many reasons, the love of writing, to inspire and touch someone life. No matter what I'm going through in my life. It's a get away when my SC becomes to much for me to handle. I love to get carry away in MY WORLD! I'm on a JOURNEY to discover myself. God Bless! :)

14 thoughts on “Physical Therapy

  1. The best and fast way to get calcium is through the calcium pills. You need 1200 mg a day for it to help. Get over the counter. Otherwise doc is going to prescribe Flexall because of the hollowing of the bones. As we age the marrow starts dying and makes it easier for our bones to break. I know about not wanting to take more pills but the benefits out weigh the risk.


    1. Yeah that’s what I was afraid of. I was just looking at a bottle we have at the house. Im just so not feeling the love of more pills, but I got to do what’s best for my body. Thanks for the feedback. It means a lot, hope all is well on your end! God Bless


  2. HI P.J. Nice to hear you are recovering. You are so right. We never have too many prayers. On that note, I am praying for a full recovery for you. hugs. Renee đŸ™‚


    1. Hey Renee, hru! Good hear from you! I was shock to see I wasn’t following you anymore, I was thinking you just hadn’t blog in awhile! Thank you for all the prayers, truly means a lot! God Bless You:)


      1. HI P.J. I am here!! I really am…tee hee. I am dong great. I really do think bout you a lot and my prayers are sent out for you. YOU are an amazing lady. Renee đŸ™‚


      2. Gm Renee, I see that now đŸ™‚ Glad to hear you doing so good… awe thank you for your lovely comment truly touch my heart. I can never have enough prayers. I pray all is well with you and you continue to have a Bless Week:)


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