Posted in God, Patience


What is it: (n) The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry

                                                Or upset.

You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience. Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 – 1966)

Sunday Morning sitting in church listing to the pastor talk about patience, I can honestly say I needed to hear it. I have being struggling with having patience for long time now. Even difficult now with me in school and having my niece and nephew now it’s even gotten worse for me. I know things not going to happen when we want it to happen, but it would be nice if it did right? While listening to the pastor speaks on the lesson actually open my eyes and heart a little more. Who Am I? To rush things because things may not go my way. I had to really sit back and have talk with GOD and pray and wait on him. Let me tell you that was a long time with him because I have heard I need patience for awhile now but never took it to consideration because I didn’t believe I truly needed it.

 For Instance when I’m in a lot of pain and have to go to ER and have to wait to get seen, we all know we have to wait to be seen. No matter how much pain you in. I am thinking in the back of my head if I fell out right now maybe they rush me to the back. Or when I go to the doctor and you have to be there before your appointment and you still waiting two or three eyes. Trust I have thought about walking out and going home. I actually left the hospital before I was suppose to and ended right back there a few days later when I was younger. So you can say I have learned my lesson when it comes to my health. Patience is truly virtue.

James 1:3-4  Knowing {this}, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. (4) But let patience have {her} perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Question, How well is your patience when it comes to everyday living? Do you constantly have to pray about having patience? I know we have to be careful what we ask for at the same time.