Posted in 2019, Love, Love Journey, love thought, My Journey, My Love Journey, My Love Journey Thought, Relatonships, worth

My Love Journey Thoughts

When looking for love and dating. How do yall feel about them calling you sweetie, baby, sexy, etc? I’m not fond of it, just be honest. You don’t know me so don’t come at me with sweet talk. I feel like we have let them pass because we think its cute are whatever reason may be. Sweet talking doesn’t work on me. What happens to talk to the opposite sex with respect? If you correct them they want to call you a female dog. Why should I lose my worth because they have lost their dang mind on the correct way speak to me with some sense. Am I wrong for thinking like that. Fellas how do yall feel about woman calling yall sexy, handsome, etc?


I blog for many reasons, the love of writing, to inspire and touch someone life. No matter what I'm going through in my life. It's a get away when my SC becomes to much for me to handle. I love to get carry away in MY WORLD! I'm on a JOURNEY to discover myself. God Bless! :)

18 thoughts on “My Love Journey Thoughts

  1. Calling you by your name is what they should do. And yes with respect!
    If they get angry about you telling them to stop the sweet talk, then find someone else.
    I love when my wife calls me handsome, and other sweet names but anyone else is inappropriate!

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  2. I am with you sister, some people are not comfortable with that. Maybe they can save that for when they are really your man. However, maybe they do it to show interest, maybe. I personally believe that true love comes from the Lord. Many people find themselves in back to back bad relationships. However, if they prayed first and sought God’s face before those relationships, God would have warned them not to enter it in the first place. God is real and he does not want any of us his children to come to harm. Firstly, when looking for love, it pays to know that we already have love in our lives, the love of God. We need to explore that and bask in it. Secondly, we need to pray to God to lead us to the right person for us, and thirdly, we need to put ourselves out there. God would lead us to the right person for us, so that we do not have to go through a bunch of failed relationships before finding “the one”. God is real and prayers work. A relationship with the Lord begins with faith in the Lord, prayers to God, obedience to the Bible, and a passion for Christ. God is ready right now, the question is, are we?

    If you want to know about God in more detail, you can find further information here And Here

    May God’s blessings be with you, Amen. ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Truly touch my heart. God is love. It’s been a while since I posted here on my love journey. Sometimes you have to step back and have talked with God and yourself. And you right on back to back bad relationship. I’ll make sure check it out. God Bless

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      1. You’re very welcome. Glad i could help you. Sorry, it took me so long to reply to ur message. God knows when we need to hear encouraging words. And your message truly spoke to me. Thank you for your kind words. God Bless

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