Posted in 2014, AWARENESS, God, Health, My Journey, Sickle Cell Anemia, Update

Day 4-5,Living With Sickle Cell Anemia


Hello welcome to my world! Im still in hospital, and lets just say what a hell of a way to start my morning! My count has dropped 5.2, seem I had to get threatened to even consider transfusions. My options were have heart attack or my kidney failure! Lastnight was rough on me, seem my knee got swollen on the leg just had surgery on. Cant move it much or put pressure on it. They mention trying pull fluid from it, lets just say your girl flipped out. That was big ole needle and it didnt sit well with me. Mri didn’t sit well with me!! Idk how my lil heart handle all that stress lastnight. Right now im in some pain, so I shall end it here and hopefully update tomorrow! Thank you all for comments and prayers! God Bless


I blog for many reasons, the love of writing, to inspire and touch someone life. No matter what I'm going through in my life. It's a get away when my SC becomes to much for me to handle. I love to get carry away in MY WORLD! I'm on a JOURNEY to discover myself. God Bless! :)

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