Posted in Children, Encouragement, Reminder, School


  A new year of school has started, I know every year you hear about someone child who has been bullied so bad that they end their life, or they drop out of school and move to another location to go to school. Lets teach our love ones that bullying isn’t the way to  go. Lets not forget about cyber bullying, as it become one of the major forms of bullying continues to grow as social network  such as: Facebook, twitter, MySpace, texting,yahoo,email,etc, continue to expand.

“Bullying: Use superior strength or influence to intimidate(someone) typically to force him or her to do what one wants. We see this in our schools, society and churches. This ought not to be so. #stop it”


I blog for many reasons, the love of writing, to inspire and touch someone life. No matter what I'm going through in my life. It's a get away when my SC becomes to much for me to handle. I love to get carry away in MY WORLD! I'm on a JOURNEY to discover myself. God Bless! :)

10 thoughts on “LETS STOP BULLYING

  1. Wow, this is touching. Sometimes we don’t take time to focus on the little things that matter. Cyber bullying is definitely real. Instead of arguing about who’s wrong or right we can actually focus on things that bind us together. Good job, PJ 🙂


    1. Thank You WorshipSwag for the lovely comment, its a new year the young one’s are back in school and it was heavy on my heart. I felt like it was the best time to share it. I hope it touch someone heart and educate someone. I like what you had to share. Ty for the RT btw. God Bless 🙂


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